“A Hairy Situation”


An extensive project spanning two years during the study of my Masters Degree. Please find the project proposal outline, publication and supporting films below.




Please click on the below image to open the interactive PDF publication.


Please find Barbershop film and Process Film for ‘A Hairy Situation’ below.


A short film shot in a local barbers, capturing the environment , thoughts and feelings from a barber and client regarding hair.


A short film capturing the process and development stages of ‘A Hairy Situation’ in a studio environment.


MA Project


“A Hairy Situation”

An investigation into the relationship of fibre; normalisation of using waste by-product materials within the textiles industry


Material and Fibre Exploration / Tackling Cotton Consumption



Close up twill / Raffia + Linen

Copyright of Jennifer Anne Studios

Getting back into it…

This image is a close up photo of one of my first woven samples back at uni. It is a twill using a raffia weft and linen warp. This was the very beginning of my masters before my project had fully evolved; it was just about getting back on the loom and playing with fibres.

Visual Research

A variety of delicate line drawings using different media. This is hair dipped in paint and draped across the page to produce an organic movement and juxtaposition.

Hair drawing

Copyright of Jennifer Anne Studios

Mark Making using horse hair

Copyright of Jennifer Anne Studios

Visual Research

Further mark making ideas to produce weight, negative space and composition ideas to translate into fabrics.



My concept is based on the use of waste by-product materials that may otherwise be overlooked and discarded. These mainly include hair, horse-hair and dog fur. Whilst combining these with more sustainable fibre choices such as viscose, rPET yarn, bamboo and so on.

Concept Board - Images are not mine but are individually referenced.


Horse hair + viscose

Copyright of Jennifer Anne Studios


Beginning to sample with various fibres such as horse hair on a viscose warp.



Continuing to sample and experiment with the combination of fibres and lifting plans.

Viscose blanket warp

Copyright of Jennifer Anne Studios


Woven Samples

Copyright of Jennifer Anne Studios

Off the loom

Once off the loom the samples can be manipulated and finished in a variety of ways, something I am looking to explore further throughout my MA.


Off the loom

Experimenting with warp waste from the loom to create more samples as well as looking at fringing and edging of the samples.

Horse hair and viscose sample

Copyright of Jennifer Anne Studios


Hand-spun dog fur (Chiengora)

Dog Fur

After contacting a local dog groomers for their waste brushed dog fur, I successfully hand spun 100% dog fur yarn (chiengora).


Weaving Dog fur

Here I’ve experimented with weaving with my dog fur on a bamboo warp. I tried a variety of structures. This sample is just steamed but I want to experiment with brushing, felting and washing the sample to push my finishing techniques.

Woven dog fur on bamboo warp


Woven human hair and linen on viscose warp

Copyright of Jennifer Anne Studios

Human Hair

Ive also started experimenting with human hair, with it being such a big issue with waste but such an interesting material, I wanted to experiment with weaving with it. Here I have used my old (real) hair extensions.



Experimenting with spacing and individual warps weaving together to push sampling ideas.

Experimental Sampling

Copyright of Jennifer Anne Studios

MA Journey

Behind the scenes of my MA Journey

2021 - 23


Warping Mill

Creating my first warp after coming back to do my masters. This is a linen warp that ended up being terrible to work with as it was too fibrous and weak.

Sampling On First Warp

On this warp I just experimented with my hand-spun fibres and different lifting plans spark ideas.

Linen warp and hand-spun yarns

Copyright of Jennifer Anne Studios

Hand-spun yarns on linen warp

Copyright of Jennifer Anne Studios

Simple Structures

Here are some simple structures woven with my hand-spun yarns including hemp, flax and bamboo.

Dog Fur

Bags of dog fur a local dog groomer collected for me to spin into yarn.

Bags of brushed dog fur

Copyright of Jennifer Anne Studios

Spinning chiengora on my spinning wheel

Copyright of Jennifer Anne Studios

Dog Fur

After contacting a local dog groomers and collecting their brushed fur waste, I was able to spin this dog fur (chiengora) yarn that is 100% dog fur from a malamute dog.

Dog Fur

This is the dog fur that was spun into the chiengora (dog fur) yarn.

Dog fur that’s spun into yarn

Copyright of Jennifer Anne Studios

2-ply chiengora yarn

Copyright of Jennifer Anne Studios

dog Fur Yarn

Another close up shot of the 2-ply hand-spun dog fur yarn (chiengora).

Threading up Timelapse

A timelapse of me threading up the first half of my viscose blanket warp.

Threading up

A video of my threading up the other half in real time, to show the patience and time it takes.

Collected Hair

I contacted a local hairdresser who collected lots of nice long hair offcuts for me which I am excited to experiment with.

Human Hair collected from hair dressers

Copyright of Jennifer Anne Studios

Horse hair, viscose + bamboo

Copyright of Jennifer Anne Studios


Developing samples on the loom experimenting with lifting plans and combination sequences.


Experimenting with selvedges and rPET yarns on solid structures.

rPET yarn on a viscose warp

Copyright of Jennifer Anne Studios

Back of the loom set up with the warp

Copyright of Jennifer Anne Studios

Loom set up

The back of the loom with the warps set up through the cross sticks, threaded and reeded.

Experimental sampling

Experimental sampling on a spaced bamboo warp.

Spaced bamboo warp

Copyright of Jennifer Anne Studios

Woven hair samples

Copyright of Jennifer Anne Studios


Here are some samples of weaving with hair and horsehair on a viscose warp

Spaced warp sampling

Sampling with wire and fringing on this spaced warp.

Loom sampling

Copyright of Jennifer Anne Studios

Timelapse sampling

A timelapse of me sampling on the loom.

Experimental Samples

Experimenting with passementerie and fringing on a narrow warp.

Passememterie sample

Copyright of Jennifer Anne Studios

Visualising my samples on the body as accessories

Copyright of Jennifer Anne Studios


Visualising my samples on the body as accessories

Hair Extensions

Photo getting my hair extensions to document the process of attaching strands of hair.

Getting hair extensions applied

Copyright of Jennifer Anne Studios

Movement of hair

A slow motion video to show the movement and flow of hair as a material. It really fascinates me as a fibre.

Hair as a fibre

Photographing hair as a fibre in its own right. Looking at the flow and movement of the hair to inspire me.

Hair as a fibre

Copyright of Jennifer Anne Studios

Dog fur

A video of my dogs fur close up, this has inspired me to think about small strands of hair attached to fabrics like how wigs are made.

- Follow my instagram to see more behind the scenes of my masters -

- check back soon to see how it’s progressed -